Are you one of those people who use a Wi-Fi connection or limited data on your Windows computer system? Even though Windows 10 is referred to be an always-connected, always-up-to-date operating system, but it is also true that it is the most data-hungry version of the Windows operating system. And that is why monitoring the data usage seems to be one of the main concerns in the life of daily internet users. And In fact, not only the operating system but the applications or programs that we use on our devices require an internet connection. And many times, some of you might have noticed that more than half of your internet data is eaten up. Now, you must be wondering how you can limit the data usage on your devices. Or is there any way through which you can monitor the network data usage on your computer?

Well, if you use Windows 10 operating system on your computer, then, fortunately, it is completely possible to monitor the data usage on your device. Do you want to know how to do so? Want to see the methods to view the network data usage on your Windows 10 PC? If you wish to get the technique, you must take a look at this complete article, as we will let you know how you will be able to monitor your network data usage on your Windows 10 PC here. So, please consider reading this entire post.

The Method to View Network Data Usage on Windows 10 PC

It is clearly evident that Windows 10 has become a universal operating system. And the Microsoft company is taking every vital step for maintaining the reputation of its operating system. The company keeps on adding new features to improve the experience of the users. And here, we are going to talk about the Windows 10 feature that enables the users to monitor the network data usage on their computer. It doesn’t matter whether you have an unlimited internet connection or limited Wi-Fi data; you should always keep an eye on the network data usage on your devices. And that is because the unknown bandwidth consumption might indicate any existing bug or malware on your computer system. And these are the things that one should not ignore.

Monitoring the network data usage on Windows 10 is a much straightforward task that can be performed easily by any of the users. For this, you will have to go through the instructions that we are going to mention here. So, let’s see how you can view the network data usage on your Windows 10 PC:

The Steps for Monitoring the Network Data Usage on Windows 10

Below mentioned are the steps that one should follow to view the Network data usage on their Windows 10 PC:

  • To get started with the task, firstly, you will have to move towards the settings app on your computer system. To open the settings, go to the “Start” menu. Or you can use a shortcut as well. Press “Windows + I” and then press the enter key.
  • And after you reach the Settings screen, navigate to the “Network and Internet” option.
  • On the next window, go to the left side of the screen and then click on the “Data Usage” option.
  • And now, on the right side of your screen, you will be able to view a general overview highlighting the Wi-Fi and Ethernet network data usage from the past 30 days on your computer system.
  • And you can also find out which apps on your computer are consuming a lot of your data. For this, you will need to click on the link stated, “View Usage Per App,” located on the right side of the screen. And that’s all. This way, you will be able to maintain the usage of internet data on your Windows 10 computer.

So, that is how any Windows 10 user will be able to view the network data usage on their computer system. And that is all for now. Please keep following our website to get more information like this.

Alice Martin  arrived on the cyber security scene in the early 2000s when virus and malware were still new and slowly evolving. Her longtime affair with writing with an interest in the cybersecurity industry, combined with her IT degree, has contributed to experience several aspects of security suite industry such as blogging at or  or or